Saturday, August 23, 2008

crash and burn...

Why love hate....well well.. I guess there are a variety of emotions...but it eventually burns down to “love” and “hate” innit?? Today was one of those days where I have been through loving and hating things...
Loved catching up with a friend over lunch...we had recently been through a rough patch...misunderstandings.....and all...the whole package..but we have made up...and it was good taking over lunch....I got to know certain things about the other person and so did the other...we talked about a lot of different things....when I was on my way for the rendezvous I had on my mind ..... “Oh god I have a lot to do and I hope its a short thing...”but when we began to part ways I was thinking...I really like the time we spent together...why were we on bad terms before....was it really worth it...OH well I’m glad alls good now....
Then I got back home and my sore arm has been troubling me since...its swollen and I’m having difficulty moving it around wonder I am cranky today...a tiny bit...and then the one who was supposed to be going to watch Persepolis tomorrow cancelled...guess what the reason was??? “got drunk and fell down...hurt my knees so bad..that I can’t walk...”.....I thought...”good for you...moron...If you soak up liquor like a sponge...every night...U should have seen this coming...shouldn’t u have?”...I hate people who don’t stick to their words..btw...I’m not some crazy bitch who gets angry on “ä poor soul who just happened to cancel” no....I hate people who don’t honour their words...I hate liars and I hate people who are judgemental...and form preconceived notions without knowing the whole story....I label them...”morons with brains the size of peanuts and a mouth as big as the face at Luna Pärk”....(mentioned it once in my previous post too...)...
More reason for anger...had a tiny fight with someone...and for some odd reason it upset me...usually I’m not bothered by it....but today I such an extent that I felt rage....such rage as I hadn’t felt for a while...and felt like breaking something...( it helps at times...helps release tension and stress...and most of all anger)....but instead I just went for a walk and let the cold winter evening breeze flow through my hair....(it was freezing today)....and got back home when I felt better...a little better...
I thought I could use a little distraction and chit-chat for a while with P but she’s kind of busy this whole weekend...the Bf is here...and she needs all the space one I didn’t bother her....I thought of watching a movie to distract myself....I usually do this when I am trying calm down...I reckon loosing oneself in the virtual world for a short wonderful....and nothing works as good as a romantic flick...Watched SWEET NOVEMBER....was it the sweetest flick...and the saddest....and without fail my tear glands were working out like crazy....I mean this is the kind of romance I have always dreamed about...such things have been part of my fantasies for as long as I can remember...the swept off ur feet kind of ...feel good.....beautiful relation that you share with a significant other....very soothing and nice background score too...but It tugged on my heart strings...
I can only wish for something as beautiful to happen...someday maybe..will be my day....

and on an ending note watch this...


Anonymous said...

And i broke up with a friend of 4 years. I had been askin her to meet since dunno how long and she always kept avoidin it. she wanted to discuss her problems wid me and stuff like that.

asked her to meet, she said yes and at final moment chickened out. wanted to clear lot of misunderstandins but she was on a diff flight....

all i cud do was say that i cannot take her mood swings nemore and go diff ways :)

Ashish Surana said...

yeah yeah sure, some day would be your day !!! Keep enjoying the life till then !!!

BTW you are an indian living in bermuda ??

Aphrodite said...

@buzz..hmm whf is wrong with people ...i do not knw....but hope life gets better...:)

Aphrodite said...

@ashish...hope an indian not in bermuda...but au..;)

Parul Gupta said...

hey aphrodite

everyone has these love n hate moments n these r perfectly normal....


Aphrodite said...

@parul...well well...:)

Keshi said...

I fight with alot of ppl lol!

Take it easy...hope it will all settle down soon for ya. TC n HUGS!


Aphrodite said...

@keshi....i try not to..but it comes dwn to it...I put up a strong defence...:)

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

Sweet november be really nice movie!!!!..

Aphrodite said...

@moo...incredible nice and saaad... :'(

Mysterious Mia said...

oops i missed out on this one too....wheni changed my template my blogroll went for a toss anwyays adding u back on....

chillax girlie...

Aphrodite said...


Anonymous said...

:) alls well that ends well.

i liked Sweet Nov too... and tht was the kinda of romance i envisioned too... but just that..what u get is sometimes a lil contrived and differnet than what yu yearn for :)

dnt be disappointed if u dnt get the Reeves u want :)

Aphrodite said...

@veens..tht movie is a trigger for tear glands...well at least for me....i was crying through out...and abt my version of keanu reeves...I'm very unlucky with those kindof things..*sob sob*