Sunday, July 27, 2008

spice of life...

Its a regular sunday...uni starts from tomorrow...the usual things are on in life...routine....not much of a surprices...which is something I don't like....I mean what would keep you going if you do not have anything to look forward to...and the next day is no different from the day that was...yesterday....its been raining here lately and the mercury has been dipping low too...

evryone at home has been rather quiet...actually because I'm keeping to myself...yesterday was fun...went to a theme park and went on all the rides a good number of times...for one of them.... was like a pirate ship...only scarier...this one did a full circle...went on it after diner..although it was exciting.... the moment it did a half swing...I felt like I would throw up everything I had throughout the day....neway....

watched a movie called the notebook a while back...based on a novel with the same nicholas spark...a touching ...heartwarming...heartbreaking...story as they call struck a very familiar note...the bollywood devgan production release called U me aur Hum....not so long ago is a rippoff from the notebook....

got over my last crush....this one didn't last that long.....oh well..


Lucifer said...

ya notebook is a brillaint movie...i saw it a couple of yrs back...was quite touchin...

btw do crushes ever last long??

Keshi said...

crushes never last...atleast in my life *sigh*


Aphrodite said...

@mayz...mine do at times...;)


maverick said...

hey...howdy...long time...dont remember checking out that movie..tho i saw the dark knight ystrdy :)

Rashi said...

crushes are crushes after all :)

Aphrodite said...

@mav....hmmm i oxd the dark knight...:)
@rashi...true...vtrue... ;)

Anonymous said...

ohh well! eveyhting the same here too :) [ as if u asked ;)]

Mez said...


Thanks for droppin by my blog and ofcourse, blogrollin me.

Talkin about crushes..sometimes they last U know what i mean nah.

Aphrodite said...

@veens....ahmmm ;)

Aphrodite said...

@meyz...i knw wht u mean...thts y i said this one didn't last long....;)