Friday, October 17, 2008


life's sweet...not always...I'm sure like me a million other people all over the map think at certain times "why më?".... well i am beginning to discover how you can choose to feel the way you feel..... if you are unhappy you can either sit and brood or do something to make life better....

Right at this moment I'm frikkin happy with myself....few odd reasons...enough to make me feel like I'm moonwalking... free of that pull....

I submitted my thesis...I'm not 100% satisfied with my output though... I keep getting this feeling like I missed something.....another couple of weeks till the last piece of assessment is due... and then its all chapter of life completed...and I move on to the next after a brief break...... which I hope shapes up the way I have imagined it in my head.. ;) lat year it had exceeded my expectations....:)

Saw a great flick today "body of lies"....another of ridley scotts kick ass action flicks.... And yet another man added to my list... Leonardo di caprio.... wow that mans maturing with every film....and the man within is pushing through the boyish good looks :)...... Oh and Mark Strong one of the other actors in the film...a british actor whos done the middle eastern accent so welll...and He is sooooo HoT!!!....

thats a piece out of my not so eventful life.....seems like I'm stuck admiring these men... for days to come....


Anonymous said...

hey great to see u find a way to make n keep urself happy....teach me...

btw i m watchin a romantic com flick too :) you have got a mail :)

and i m happy too today for cricketing reasons :)

What's In A Name ? said...

Body of Lies. If you say so.

And talking of Caprio, did you see him in 'What's eating Gilbert Grape?'

Solitaire said...

Congrats on the thesis submission. I am sure that is one big weight lifted off your shoulders.

Aphrodite said...

@buzz...well well...nothing to teach here....u just start socialising more and do more things to keep you occupied such that you don't have time to brood or be sad... OH and go workout..feels like heaven right after :P

Aphrodite said...

@what's ...nopes ot seen that yet...trying to lay my hand on that...soon :)

Aphrodite said...

@solitaire...OH yeah..a big weight taken off indeed... :)

Saim said...

I guess d pursuit of happyness is not worth it, u need to learn to be happy in small things:)
body of lies...wanna watch it too..Leo is too gud

Aphrodite said...

@numb...hmm thts wht im trying to do these days :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Aprhodie, an award for you -- the Spirited and Unmukt blogger award on my blog!!

Aphrodite said...

@buzz...tahnkx a lot :P

Macadamia The Nut said...

I LOVE Di Caprio
Sigh! Sigh!

Congrats on the thesis submission!!

Aphrodite said...

@hmm neone wld...i love all hot men :)

Keshi said...

**i am beginning to discover how you can choose to feel the way you feel.....

good on ya! if u read my yday's post, I hv written something along the same lines...self-discovery thru changes.



Aphrodite said...

@keshi...hmmm been a tad busy..shall drop by soon... :)

burf said...

i have graduated from hating this dicap guy to appreciating him too

Aphrodite said...

@burf...thankx for droppin by...HAte?? i loved him from day one...just that hes more attrcative now than before :)

Tairebabs said...

You are so right, sometimes it takes a mental dcision by us to make ourselves feel better. I love Leonardo dicaprio. He gets better with every movie.

Aphrodite said...

@tairebabs....yep true...and I'm beginning to realise it a tad late..but thn again....better late than never :P